Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dear Idiot, . . .

                                                                                                                       Sept. 22, 2015
Dear Idiot,

First of all, if the title of this post caught your attention simply because it gave you a chuckle and made you wonder, then, by all means, read on. If, on the other hand, it caught your attention because you thought it was directed at you, then, by all means, read on as well because maybe you really are one of the idiots to whom I'm directing this letter.

I have some things to tell you that apparently you really need to hear.

1. It is NOT all about you. Surprised? I figured you must be since you piss and moan about every little thing that any other person does, and you even go so far as to pursue legal action against other people for daring to live their lives on their own terms. I don't give a rat's ass about what political party you join, who you screw, who (or what) you worship, the kind of car you drive, who your favorite team is, what beer you drink, your predilection for porn or any other thing that you idiotically believe the world should care about just because you care about it. Live your life, and let others live their lives. It's a very simple concept.

2. People are entitled to their opinions EVEN IF THEY DIFFER FROM YOURS! You don't need to resort to bashing them verbally online or via texts or even face-to face, and you certainly don't need to go so far as to attempt to physically hurt them just because they dared to think in ways that you can't fathom or accept. Last time I checked, despite the workings of some of our political idiots, this was still a free country, and with that freedom comes the freedom to think and believe whatever we want to think and believe. I don't care about sports. Repeat I, as in me, the person writing this, don't care about sports. That in no way means that you can't or shouldn't care about sports, so shut up and stop trying to convince me that I should. I'm not going to. End of story. I love to read. When I share that particular tidbit, don't go off on me about how boring it is and how you can't stand it and how it's the most worthless waste of time, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah. Maybe if you read more, you'd actually have an opinion I was interested in hearing. Until such a time, shut up, live your life, and let me live mine in peace.

3. If you can't take care of kids, THEN DON'T HAVE ANY!!!! Simple fucking concept. We live in a magical world that has this special power called birth control. Use it, or stop screwing. Seriously.

4. Put on some goddamn clothes when you go shopping. Or anywhere in public that isn't clearly marked either NUDISTS ONLY or IDIOTS WHO CAN'T DRESS THEMSELVES ONLY. I don't want to see cleavage to your nipples or the crack or your hairy ass, or, worse, the crack of your hairy vulva. You are disgusting. If you can't afford proper clothing, then you can't afford that stash of beer and cigarettes either, so put them back and go find a shirt and pants that actually fit you.

5. Drive with your eyes actually fixed on the road and your surroundings, or get the hell off the streets. Pay attention! I will report your ass if I see you texting and driving, drinking and driving, or even arguing with your spouse while driving.

6. Respect the flag, asshole.

7. Respect every single person who defends your rights and protects your well-being. This means the current soldiers, the former soldiers, and the future soldiers. This means the cops, the firefighters, the EMTs, the nurses, the doctors, the dispatchers, the detectives, etc. This even means the politicians whether you like them or not. If you can't respect these people for the great things they do, then don't ever call the cops when your home has been invaded, don't call the fire department when your home is on fire, don't go to the hospital when your arm is broken, and don't take advantage of any of the rights sets forth in our Bill of Rights or Constitution because you wouldn't fight for those things and you don't respect those who have.

8. Do your own work. Have some pride and dignity, and do the work yourself even if it's difficult. Learn this lesson at an early age. If so, then you'll become a productive member of our society instead of another mouth to feed in our overcrowded jails, another person living off the system because you never learned a skill, or another barfly drunk moaning about how the world owes him instead of the other way around.

9. Learn to spell and use basic grammar. If not, then stay off social media and online sites where you can publish your thoughts without the benefit of editors who actually know how to spell and use the language that you, clearly, do not. You're only embarrassing yourself, but you're so stupid you don't even know it. It's quite sad, actually.

10. Respect your parents. Even if you don't agree with their religion, political beliefs, sexuality, fashion sense, or marital status. If they've done everything they could to raise you right, then they deserve your everlasting dedication, love and respect. Without them, you wouldn't even be here to have the idiotic opinions that you so adamantly cling to and try to defend, so never ever ever ever be mean to a mother who has sat up all night with you while you were ill or a father who has attended all of your games even though you sat the bench for four years. If your parents beat you or emotionally abused you, then that's a different story, and they are the idiots who should be reading this post instead of you.

One final thought, and it's a biggie -- don't blame others for your own faults and mistakes. Own up to them, learn from them and move on.


Those of us who are tired of all the bullshit.

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