My favorite holiday is just around the corner -- Thanksgiving! In the spirit of giving thanks for all my blessings, I'm writing this entry, but I'm adding all the things that I'm not thankful for as well.
Let's begin on a positive note. The top ten things in my life for which I am extremely grateful:
1. My two children. Watching them grow into the fine people they are now has been the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me. It's cliche, of course, and I'm like every other proud parent out there when I say this, but my kids are simply the greatest, and I couldn't have asked for better children. My son will make a fine coach and P.E. teacher when he completes his college education, and my daughter will do wonders to save the animals someday, I'm certain of it.
2. My parents. I'm blessed to have them nearby, and I'm lucky that they are still active and healthy enough to take part in their grandchildren's activities. They've always been there for me through the good and the bad, and I can only hope they really know how special they are to me.
3. My friends. I don't let too many people get close to me, so when it comes to true friends, I can pretty much count them on two hands. They know who they are. Each is special and unique -- my high school friend who I don't see or talk to enough but who will always be dear to me, my college friend who is vastly different from me in beliefs but the nicest person I'll ever know, my neighbor who lets me vent over beers in her garage, my co-worker who cheers me up when I'm having a bad day, my ex-boyfriend from many years ago who has become a very dear friend and commiserates with me about the trials of surviving a divorce and moving on with my life, and a few others who are important to me in different ways.
4. My very best friend. Even though she lives in a different country, there is nobody that I can rely on more to understand me and to make me laugh about the silliest things. She is my better half in a way no man could ever be. She is the one person in this world that I can tell absolutely anything to and not worry about being judged or misunderstood. She is the one and only person that I know I can trust with any secret.
5. My pets. I've always loved animals, especially the small, cuddly ones. My dog is a large one, though, but he is very good for me because he gets me out walking regularly, and the exercise is beneficial for both of us. My cat warms my lap on a cold winter day while I'm reading, and he warms my heart with his purr of contentment.
6. My family beyond my children and my parents. My brother is often a pain in the ass, but I love him anyway, and his family is very important to me. I have numerous aunts, uncles and cousins that I adore, and I miss my beloved maternal grandmother every single day. I miss my other grandparents, too, as they are all deceased, but she was my special grandma, and I think most people have a grandparent that they single out and love the most.
7. My books. Reading is my passion. Without books in my life, I would not function well. My house is full of books, I can spend hours upon hours in bookstores and libraries, and I can't imagine a world without books in it. No day is complete for me until I've spent some part of it reading.
8. My job. Even though my students annoy the hell out of me pretty much every single day, I still love them, and I especially love when they actually learn something from me. It's nice to know that I make a difference to others -- even when it's often against their will since they'd rather be just about anywhere other than school.
9. My new love interest. He's made me believe once again that good men do exist, and he surprises me each time we are together with new little gestures of kindness that, until he came along, I never believed would be a part of my life. I hope he'll be a part of it for a long time to come.
10. My sense of humor. When it's actually working, it keeps me and those around me entertained and happy, and it helps keep me sane in an insane world.
On the flip-side of things, though, there are many things for which I am not grateful. If I could change the world, these are the things I'd change -- in no particular order:
1. World hunger. Nobody should have to go to bed wondering where his next meal will come from or if he'll even have a next meal.
2. Incurable diseases. People have enough worries without cancer, AIDS, and other life-stealing diseases interfering and making things worse.
3. Wars. Enough fighting already! Get along, and if you can't, then just leave each other in peace instead of in pieces.
4. Religious battles. Everyone should live and let live. Believe what you want to believe and stop arguing about which belief is the "correct" one.
5. Racism. People are people. That's it. Color does not matter.
6. Sexism. Talk down to me because I'm a woman, and I'm going to pop you in the mouth so hard you'll never be able to talk down to anybody ever again.
7. Abuse. Yeah, that's a bit ironic after what I said in number 6, but I'm talking about a person who systematically harms another whether through his words or through his fist or perhaps with both. That type of need to control another in such a twisted way is only something to be condemned and wiped off the planet. This would apply to the abuse of animals as well. Be kind, and live by the Golden Rule.
8. Ignorance. Stop spreading crap that isn't even true. Understand the problem before you go off spouting your uninformed and incorrect opinion for all to hear or see. People who brag about their own ignorance are an embarrassment to all humankind, as far as I'm concerned.
9. Intolerance. We should appreciate each other's differences; otherwise, each of us is not unique, and then what's the point in being you? I embrace the unique quality of each person I meet and know, and I don't care in the least if that person is gay/straight, Christian/Muslim, educated/street-smart, male/female, young/old, black/white, English-speaking/Spanish-speaking, etc.
10. Crime. Get a hobby, learn a new trade, read a book, befriend somebody who lacks friends, volunteer in a shelter, pick up trash along the highway, go for a bike ride, learn to swim, take up juggling, become a dog-walker, do ANYTHING besides rob, pillage and plunder. Our world will be a better place for it.
The one thing that I am the most ungrateful for this year, though, is my ex. Once the divorce -- which is now in it's 9th month of needless suffering for me -- is over, I will write about some of the reasons he's now my ex and some of the reasons for which I'm not grateful for him.
Actually, though, in a twisted, ironic sort of way, I guess I am grateful for him -- for leaving!